The Education Town - Cambridge

The Cambridge:

A city in Eastern England is one of tbe city of vibrancy famous for its education. River Cam is flowing through the city and making its beautiful and adjoining areas fertile.

When we talk about best education, there is always a talk about Oxford vs. Cambridge. The city colleges created multiple historical personalities like - Keynes in Economics to Stephen Hawking a notable scientist.

The Cambridge English, The Cambridge English Dictionary and Cambridge international educational accreditation are all signifying the majestic position of the city in the area of education and learning.

If you are travelling from London, the distance is about 62 miles by following M11 highway. The enroute is very beautiful with farms, country side and flowing streams. Also visit nearby Wales.

Additional information -

Cambridge City hall:

The entire city will spell bound you with limited traffic, the flowing river- Cam running across the city splendidly.

There are beautiful walkaways, pedestrian crossings and the English follow the rules gracefully,

The city is well connected by buses and it is absolutely safe to travel until late evening as an individual backpaker or as a group.

From London, there are commuting facilities available - Flights, Trains and buses are plying regularly for Travellers.

For Food & refreshments:

cambridge dictionary
colleges near me

The King's college:

The king's college founded in 14th century still is the hall mark of education in Eastern england - Campbridgeshire.

The sprawling campus and the green lawns will not only attract students but also travellers like us.

The college also has a chapel, which history goes back to several hundred years. The Royal family of Britain has a very strong connection to this institution for several hundred years. A visit to this venerable institution must be on top of your itenery.

There are very many such institutions like Cambridge university, Trinity college, St.John's college and serveral others to name in and around the city.

The Queen's College:

If there is college of repute for men, there is an equivalent for Girls/women as well. The queen's college was again founded in the 14th century by a philonthropist - Margaret of Anjou.

The beautiful lawns, full of greens, and spread of flowers invites you to this reputed institution.

The college also boasts a students boating club, which has high reputation as a sports body.

The antique buildings will never go out of your eyes and will add to your repository of pictures.

Rugby on river

Go Boating, Punting:

If you are a Travel or a Sports enthusiast, don't forget to - Go punting along the Cam River. The riverside is panoramic.

Punting represent travelling by a small boat and the name of the boat is called - Punts.

We saw several people and college students go punting at King's, Queen's college and outside of the campus.

The punting happens at the upper river and lower river of - River Cam.

You can hire a Punt and row across the river. The rowing device is called Polls. This may costs you 10 to 30 pounds per hour. There are also several punting tour companies offering services to tourists.

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English Country Side:

If you are travelling by a car, do not forget to hop off from your car and see the elegant english country side.

The beauty of the English Country side are the traditional houses, a nice weather, free flowing streams and animal farms.

These things adds a huge beauty to the life style of the people residing there. I was really enthralled by the country side beauty and the co-existence of humans and animals which is well woven for centuries.

home depot

Why is Cambridge so expensive?

Cambridge has a good number of floating population. In addition, there are huge number of students ~ 24000 students, which includes students from both UK and foreign countries. Apart from these, the visiting parents, tourists and others add to the economy of the city.

This may give a perspective of slightly expensive as compared to other cities in united kingdom.


Fitzwilliam Museum

The final leg of my travel to Campbridge ended with a visit to the 200 year old museum with a long history.

The museum has a massive collection of Arts pieces, Egyptian civilization and antiques collected from multiple old civilizations of Romans, Greeks & others

The large collections of coins, medals and other masterpieces are wonderful to watch.

There are also plenty of other tourist attractions like churches, University Building, Restaurants, several museums etc.,

Visit the following & UK Govt's website
