Renewable Energy - Emerging Technologies


Renewable energy sources represents areas which can be replenished with the help of nature. Unlike fossil fuel which impacts the natural balance, and creates negative impacts on environment, renewable energy sources offers high potential for economic development, social prosperity and high employment generation.

Since the fossil fuel deposits will go down further and further, countries had been looking for alternate energy sources for sometime now. This is going to the change the balance of power from oil producing countries to countries, who are ready to harvest their potential in science and technology.

wind mills,  electricity

Wind Energy:

One of the highest employment generator, the industry is goinng to touch $ 100 Billion by 2025. Wherever, the wind flows favourably, wind mills can be installed.

Energy is saved and distributed through gridlines as like hydro or any other energy sources. US and china are the dominant countries in terms of new installations.

Windmills are developed by using Steel, fibreglass, aluminium, resins, plastic, iron, copper and other materials. Therefore, in terms of aggregate employment generator, this industry generates lots of employment and postive to the economy of a country.

Needless to say, conservation of the energy is the key for households and industries. Also read the following related articles:

Solar Power:

Global solar energy market had cross $ 100 Billion in the current decade. In trophical countries, the installation is effective with the blessings of the Sun.

The industry uses, Silicon materials, Alumnium and glass to geenerate electricity. Solar panels are used in open areas or on top of the buildings to generate electricity and gets distributed through power grids.

Photovoltaic effect or PV is the name of the process of generation of electricity through solar power. Silicon semi conducters are used in the generation process. As like, wind energy, this industry also has high potential for economic development.

solar power, electricity
electricity,  schneider electric

Geo Thermal Energy:

Geo thermal energy uses water or steam originating from the earth to harness energy. Countries like USA, Mexico,Iceland, India and Italy uses the potential.

Hot steam reservoirs and glaciers provide the opportunity to tap this natural energy source, As compared to Wind, Solar and automic energy, the opportunities for Geo thermal energy is limited and only restricted to such areas where, steam reservoirs or glaciers are located.

Apart from these, geothermal energy is used for heating and cooling across several countries. However, large geothermal plants may cause havoc due to natural disasters.

Atomic energy:

Atomic energy otherwise known as nuclear energy offers huge potential as part of tapping alternate energy sources. A ~$70 Billion industry it is set up across countries.

Nuclear power reactors produce multi-billion units of electricity across the year. There is stoppage of generation unless the plant is shut down for maintenance.

The industry uses atoms and controlled division of atoms generates heat, propulsion systems to generate power.

Eventhough, there are some positives, there are negative factors too. Man made mistakes, natural disasters can cause havoc to human beings and the earth. People may not be able live in an accident site for several decades.

atomic energy, nuclear power, electricity
hydro electricity, three gorges dam, NTPC

Hydro Electricity:

One of the safest energy generation after solar and wind power.

Wherever the force of the water is high due to natural structures or artificial dams, this method is possible.

Hydro energy uses the force of water to create propulsion of large generators to create power. China, USA, Brazil and canada taps their hydro electricity potential and one of the largest producer of hydro electric power in the world.

The growing energy needs of countries due to development of industries and commerce also grows the needs for energy. Therefore, as an emerging technologies, there is a great potential for alternate energy sources in the world.