Emerging Technologies of 21st Century

emerging technologies, disruptive
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence enables machines to learn, think, execute and problem solve like a human being. Smart machines think alike human beings and have necessary memory built in so that, it can outsmart human beings.

A simplest example is computer playing chess against human being and beat them in the process! IBM Deep Blue super computer beat world grand master Kasporov in 1997.

Augmented Reality (AR) can be defined as next generation virtual reality (VR) and enables to visualize the reality of an object better. Augmented reality includes systems and applications supporting such an environment and for enhancing the user experience.

Apart from taking the gaming industry to the next level, there are wide variety of applications to Augmented Technology and its uses. As an emerging technology, which is distruptive...

access token generator

Biometrics includes, specific human identifiers such as Thump impressions, facial patterns, Iris, palm print, signature and other evidences which distinguishes a person from others. Fingerprints and Iris are more secure as compared to other evidences. We see common day usages such as facial recognition, finger print scanning etc as part of the mobile security.

Bio metrics data are private data and identifiable with a person or individual.

A common man may be thinking that, Cloud storage is a storage of data on the sky or on cloud! In simple terms, cloud storage allows you to store the data on the internet and be kept on remote servers. This allows you to access your files and data to get accessed from a remote location over the internet such as Google drive or Dropbox.

In the cloud storage environment the server is hired by the needy rather than owning them.

emerging technologies
computer vision, IOT, artificial intelligence

Computer vision learns techniques to interpret, understand, group and sort images by using AI.

In case of thousands of images, it is very difficult to interpret images by human beings and lack of time is in question. But computer vision as part of the engineering does the work scientifically to deliver results in a fraction of time.

Digital twins means, it can mimic or copy a living or a physical object digitally which can take a physical shape later. Artificial intelligence, Internet of things are at play to make digital twins and Microsoft Asure Digital twins is always quoted as the example for digital twins.

IT professionals create digital twins by doing simulations multiple for creating replicas.

digital twin azure, digital  twin constructions
3D printing

3 Dimensional printing is different from conventional manufacturing techniques of casting and moulding. This is called additive manufacturing since, materials are added layer by layer to create a product or prototype.

In conventional manufacturing, a casting or moulding is done by substracting materials from a larger base whereas in 3D, the materials are added to manufacture a product.

5G otherwise known as 5th Generation mobile technology uses higher radio frequencies of 28 ghz compared to 700 mhz - 2500 mhz for 4G. It transfers data 100 times faster than 4G, reduced mobile traffic congestion.

5G is expected to provide connectivity to 1 Million customers per square kilometer which is phenomenal as compared to 4G. On a overall basis, this is going to impact our lives in the near future as it is impacting many of the western countries now.

Jio 5G
latest technology

IOT - Internet of things requires computing and Internet as a essential enabler. IOT uses communication networks through internet that collect data, exchange of data over the internet (Typical internet function) and execute functions over the internet.

For example, auto starting the light at home through mobile internet controls, from the office in an IOT enabled function. Similarly, switching on or switching off, of home appliances.

Machine learning is modern day science and its uses computers to act like humans with appropriate programming. In a sense, this can be called as an extension of Aritificial intelligence.

Machine learning can do database mining, Voice recognition, Do voice search, audio, video mining, text search related intelligence and enable the machines to get human intelligence, near to it or even beyond that

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What is Nano

Nano Science or Nano technology is a modern day science to make things very small in size. Nano science is used across fields such as chemistry, biology, botony, engineering and material science disciplines.

This may be molecular or atomic in size. Nano meter is measuring 1 billionth of a meter. This scales enable us to visualize, how small it can be and only visible to a microscope.

Renewable energy sources represents areas which can be replenished with the help of nature. Unlike fossil fuel which impacts the natural balance, and creates negative impacts on environment, renewable energy sources offers high potential for economic development, social prosperity and high employment generation.

Since the fossil fuel deposits goes down furtherand further, countries are looking for alternate energy sources for sometime now.

solar power, electricity

The phenomenal improvements in computer science had enabled humans to mimic human actions through Robots. The study of Robots are called Robotics science. Robots and computer science are mutually dependent, since the programming for making robots functional, are done through computer programming.

Robots uses and performs mobility, sensors to understand movements or actions, and programming through computers

Urban life in the last decade is becoming more sophisticated with the invention of IOT - Internet of Things. The increasing sophistication has led to smart living and emergence of Smart cities, Smart Buildings and Smart homes.

With Increasing population, corporations and municipalities are not able provide facilities or public services with traditional methods. More specifically in the areas of Waste management and disposal, Centralized energy management, Public lighting, Security needs, Alternate energy sources, Traffic management are within the prism of Smart cities.

Smart cities, IOT