Foreign Business Traveller - Points to Remember

Are you a First time Traveller?

Are you a first time traveler to a foreign destination & on a business travel. Your travel is going to be interesting and memorable for many reasons. You are going to meet your boss at the foreign country or your client who is going to provide you business. You may also be an employee, who is going to execute a project with the support of your colleagues in the foreign destination.

It is always upto you to make right impressions about yourself and your company back home. For this purpose, you need to understand certain etiquettes, which will carry you in your long career journey.


The First week:

You and your fellow collegue/s who travelled with you, would settle down at the destination. You will also try to understand the topography of your Hotel or apartment, understand what is available and where is it available for your daily eating,?Whether you are going to cook or get it readymade from outside?

You will also try to learn to opeate gadgets like Electric stove, washing machine, room heater and other equipments.

Beyond this, your time need to be spend productively on, How your colleagues are dressing - casual or formals? Are they talking very professionally or is there any scope for informal conversation too? You essentially need to be timely to your office, and be respectful to your colleagues.

Hello, Hi, Pleasantries:

At the office, be pleasant, well dressed and say Hello, Hi confidently while seeing others. Try to understand the office protocols and if they are hierarchy driven.

When you are talking about your country, do not do comparison between the infrastructure or facilities available etc., Do not undermine your motherland or the country you are currently living in. Many a times, this will lead to serious conversations or not good to go kind of conversations.

Be professional, friendly with people and get the work done. Do not gossip at the office floors, corridors and do not talk in your mother tongue in front of other colleagues. This will distract your colleagues, who would not understand your language and you will not gain the confidence of people.

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Things to Avoid at the Office:

  • Do not talk about Race, Colour, ethinicity, religion or other controversial topics

  • Do not compare the office efficiencies between your home country and your place of work. Do not judge their jwork.

  • Do not tell them that, you are an IT guru, and going to radically change the process!

  • Dress like rest of the office, If the office is following Casual dress, follow the same. Do not wear a blazer unless your colleagues do. Your dressing is not to differentiate you but to merge with the culture

  • If possible, join the lunch along with them. Do not offer to share the food unless asked to.

  • Strict to the intervels, breaks and office systems appropriately. Follow the rules.

  • Do not talk about local politics or office politics. Do your duty, get it wrapped and move to the next assignment.

Outside the Office:

  • Follow phone etiquettes. If there are confidential information to be passed on to your home office, do it outside the office.

  • If you are joining for outside lunch, be ready to share the bill along with others.

  • If you are joining for an alcohol party, know your limits and drink. Talk wisely before and after drinks.

  • Do not venture out late night unless your colleagues are accompanying you.

  • Do not travel late to your apartment or hotel unless the safety is assured

  • Do not carry money in wallets beyond the minimum

  • If you are alone, do not venture into a Pub late at night or join your colleague unless , it is a known gathering.

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Travelling back Home:

  • The first thing to do is to note down all of the key contacts over e-mail or in a diary

  • You need to be in touch with them for a healthy professional relationship.

  • If you going for an outsourcing work, understand the office guidance and bahave accordingly.

  • Do not make any political statements about your company or the company you are on an assignment

  • Even in case of an unpleasant situation, keep your head high and behave professionally. Do not raise your voice.

  • Do not seek colleagues help for your local travel or to airport, shopping etc, unless offered. Don't take any freebies or gifts, which could be against your office policy.

  • Do not bribe anybody to get a favour. This could land you in an unpleasant situation.