Nano Technology Emerging Technologies


Nano Science or Nano technology is a modern day science to make things very small in size. Nano science is used across fields such as chemistry, biology, botony, engineering and material science disciplines.

This may be molecular or atomic in size. Nano meter is measuring 1 billionth of a meter. This scales enable us to visualize, how small it can be and only visible to a microscope.

Nano in Medicines:

Nano technology enables scientists and researchers to provide specific molecules of drugs to specified cells. This is more relevant in case of chronic dieseases and medicines which have side effects and which can cause damage to healthy cells.

However, there are dangers of nano particles moving to healthy parts of the body and do the damage. Similarly external agents which are in a size of a Nano particle can penetrate the human body and can create diseases.

Some examples are particles, pollutants getting into the body through skin or through other body parts and create respiratory or skin allergies. Similarly Nano medicines can be potentially get used for local anesthesia to perform surgeries. Also read the following related articles:

What is Nano
Nano technology examples

Industry examples:

The most common example we come across in our daily life is the Nano Sim Card which had become smaller and smaller, and had become 3rd generation smallest sim card.

One of the biggest advantages of Nano science is to make equipments and gadgets smaller in size, but have the same utility effects. For examples, a personal computer can be made more smaller and flatter to give the same usage potential is an ideal thing to achieve. In such a case, a personal computer will give the same benefit of a laptop, which can be folded and carried in a bag. Similar is the example of a large sized transformer can be made smaller with the same power savings potential in the future.

Nano in Agriculture:

This is an interesting area for the world population to get fed in the future. The geometric increase in human population needs some out of the box thinking to keep the larger population hunger free.

Nano Science will help agri scientists and researches to develop fertilizers in nano capsules form which can be diluted or pasted on the body or stem of a plant, while the plant will absorb the effects. Similarly for pesticides, the same can be explored with nano particles of pesticides used at farms and agricultural lands. This will reduce the wastage and reduce the challenges in the transportation of such products.

Nano technology applications
Nano technology in medicine

Nano in Electronics:

We need to imagine the benefits of smart electronics by which small sized electronic boards, switches, servers, home equipments, electric motors, Semi conductors providing the same benefits of a large sized ones!

This is going to transform the world and our lives where space is becoming a constraint in urban lives. This will have positive impact in our factories, offices, homes, recreation places, to what not?

There is an interesting article by the US government initiative on Nano Technology. For the interesting read access -