Cloud - Data Storage on the Sky!

What is Cloud Storage?

A common man may be thinking that, Cloud storage is a storage of data on the sky or on cloud! In simple terms, cloud storage allows you to store the data on the internet and be kept on remote servers. This allows you to access your files and data to get accessed from a remote location over the internet such as Google drive or Dropbox.

In the cloud storage environment the server is hired by the needy rather than owning them. The biggest advantage of cloud storage is that, it allows you to do - Data sharing. People from across the world with necessary access credentials can access the data from their locations and can execute a project or virtually perform a function.

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emerging technologies

Differences between Cloud Storage & Cloud computing:

In the cloud storage, this is mere storage of data by a person or a business. But cloud computing is always useful for large businesses, who access the data and perform coding and design of a programme. This means that, it requires greater processing power to colloborate across multiple locations, perform the programming functions and share data and information virtually.

For cloud computing, you need cloud storage facilities to carry on the functions. The advantage of cloud storage is the sheer volume of data that enables the cost of maintenance of data cheaper, as against the conventional physical servers.

As compared to Cloud storage industry, the Cloud computing is growing by leap and bounds and to grow phenomenally over the years. With the growth of the information technology industry, the growth is going to be limitless.

Let us see the list of Service Providers from the Industry as per below Table & the read the related articles;

Individual Users:

  • Google drive,

  • Microsoft one drive,

  • Dropbox,

  • iCloud, Box

Business Users:

  • Microsoft Azure,

  • Amazon AWS

  • Oracle cloud infra

  • IBM cloud object storage

  • Google cloud storage

  • VMWare cloud

  • Dell Cloud Tech service

  • Alibaba cloud services

  • Cloudian

Cloud computing, amazon

Cloud Security:

This comes naturally when the question of data security comes into picture?

  • How the 3rd party service provider will handle sensitive data?

  • Can there be any loopholes and what could be business implications because of loss of sensitive or proprietary data?

  • The questions are around many areas like - Users, Data, cloud infrastructure, Network traffic, Applications, Physical etc,

  • There are industry requirements for the maintenance of Personal, sensitive data and related information such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, or FISMA.

  • The compliance to this statutory requirements are the key, when we look at the sensitive cloud security.

Industry Value & What is Trending?

  • The cloud storage industry value is US $ ~ 35 Billion and to grow beyond $ 100 Billion by 2025

  • The cloud computing market is at US $ ~ 200 Billion market and to grow beyond $ 500 Billion by 2025

  • More and more companies are opting for cloud computing and storage because of convenience and the ability to colloborate

  • Read the article by Gartner's on Fortune magazine -