Personal Accessories - Your distinct Identity

Personal Accessories:

As we know, Personal accessories include many of the enablers in our day to day professional life, in addition to our attire. we may think that, these are insignificant in the whole scheme. But is not true.

Personal accessories include, Tie, handkerchief, key chains, socks, shoes, spectacles and many others. All of these small, small things add a great value to our Personal brand self.

Let us see, how do we choose these individual enablers in our aesthetic choices of personal accessories?

executive, look, fashion,  style


It is a beautiful accessory in our dressing table and we wear this either with a full suit and along with the shirt.

Dark coloured ties goes very well with light colour shirts and dark colour trousers. Choosing bright colours like, Yellow, Blue or with textured designs are good. Wear the tie, which suits well with your attire.

In cases, use of contrast colours also adds beauty. Neat and well ironed tie is the need, to enhance a brand personalilty.

Hand Kerchief:

Have it in multiple colours which goes well with your choice of the dress. Do not take it outside of trousers unless you are cleaning your sweat or while having lunch and place it over your trousers to avoid food particles over your trouser.

Buy good quality ones and keep it free from wear and tear. Use light colours preferably so that, the cleaning will be full and it looks neat as always.

kerchief,  hands, clean
socks, boots


Very very important one for personal hygiene. A clean socks represent your overall body hygiene.

A dirty socks keep your peers away. Do not wear the socks beyond 9 to 5. But good quality cotton socks use sprays ove the socks to smell good and do not use it beyond 6 to 8 months.

Buy them regularly and keep it very hygienic as your innerwears.


The shoes, a person is wearing represent his overall personality. That is the reason, we judge a person with his shoes.

Buying branded shoes are very important and it should change along with weather. For winters, rubber and anti skid shoes are the choice. Keep the shoes smell free, clean them with appropriate chemicals or with a neat cloth and keep them in the sun light.

Wear right sized shoes. Do not use torn, unpolished, Badly designed shoes.

leather shoes
eye wear


Spectacles may include, power spectacles, stylish plains or coolers. The foremost lesson is read your facial frame and features and buy the right sized one.

Avoid thick glasses unless advised by an ophthalmologist. Thin framed ones with different colours or with golden frames looks nice along with the appropriate apparel.

If you can afford, have a choice of coolers as well for your travel.


  • Matching of these accessories with your attire is very important. Personal hygiene is driven by these accessories.

  • Buy qualilty personal accessories and keep it free from dust. Having choices and regular maintenance are very important

  • Your overall brand is in your hand. You can either develop it or destroy it but not following the social norms or set patterns.

  • Do not wear torn, faded, awkwardly sized accessories. Do not wear ones, which is out of fashion, or not going well with tastes

  • Quality and cleanliness are the simple mantra to keep away from ageing and poor personality. Do not forget, you can improve it.