Emerging Technologies - Machine Learning


Machine learning is modern day science and its uses computers to act like humans with appropriate programming. In a sense, this can be called as an extension of Aritificial intelligence.

A simple example is - Apple I phone's Siri application, which recognizes the human voice and performs certain functions. Machine learning can do database mining, Voice recognition, Do voice search, audio, video mining, text search related intelligence and enable the machines to get human intelligence, near to it or even beyond that.

The essential driver behind this, are computer algorithams and does learn and perform actions based on the empirical learning. This process makes the real difference to the world, we are living today!

machine learning, ML

How ML impacts our life today?

Google car which had drove past more than 8 Million miles is a classic example of machine learning. Some of the recommends we are seeing while making a purchase from Amazon Ecom site is an outcome of machine learning applications.

Similarly, recommendations coming from Google search is an outcome of machine learning deployment.

For Machine learning, computers are using algorithams to understand and analyse various things. These can be called, Association, clustering, dimensionality, linear, logistic regression, CART to various others.

Without human's involvement, machine learning algoritham makes computers to learn new things and learn from the past events. This is making the real difference to the computing world. Also read the following related articles:

Machine Learning Languages:

The following are the programming languages of machine learning;

  • Python

  • C++

  • R

  • Typescript

  • Java, Javascript

  • Scala

Apart from these, open source applications are available such as TensorFlow is also in the development of computer programming for ML.

machine learning  python
google autonamous cars

Case Capsules in Machine Learning?

  • Autonamous cars - Self driving autonamous cars will run in our roads and highways with much more speed and accuracy, which is not yet commercially rolled out.

  • Digital Homes - Like smart cities, there will be smart digital homes which will understand, learn human behaviour and suggest daily routines to human beings from maintenance of temperature to daily walk. This can work like digital personal secretaries

  • Online data - Machine learning enables data retrieval or extraction capabilities from worldwide web. Large amount of data on predefined parameters be extracted, compared.

  • Banks - Banks will use machine learning for the better and understand your buying behaviour. It will suggest right credit cards for you, right places to buy, right places to travel to everything.

Is machine learning a distant cousin?

Eventhough, we study machine learning as a separate topic it is a distant cousin of Artificial intelligence and robotics science. Many of the features used by AI and Robots are also required for ML as part of the execution process.

The science is not a simple unique one, but a combination of many. For example deep learning, programming ability is a basic computer science, understanding and developing algorithams requires extensive expertise.

World largest companies are using machine learning for taking their companies to the next level. Amazon is in their features offering, Google in their search, Facebook in their messenger, Twitter in their curated lines and so on. Therefore, we also need to follow in line, to understand this science.

emerging  technologies