How Jewellery make your day Beautiful?

fashion, jewellery

Office Jewellery:

Jewellery is an important addition to one's personality irrespective of gender. Choosing the right jewellery and using them properly are the key for office goers, self employed professionals and entrepreneurs.

Jewelry which is too pomp and too costly is something to be avoided by office goers. The following are the decisions be made by Professionals.

  • Understand the office environment and see what others are wearing?

  • It is in no ways shows your affluence, and the job is secondary for you

  • You may not like to wear something, which will be a sheer distraction.

  • The jewellery you are wearing, represent your personality rightly

  • The jewelry is a well fit to your persona and to your attire.

  • What you wear does not lead to an office gossip negatively

  • You sense the occasion and wear the right ones

  • Sometimes it creates a sensation and a following!

The Choice:

The choice of jewelry changes based on individual personality, office culture, age, personal background, Level of hierarchy, affluence and various other reasons.

The important decisions in the choices are, the office culture, your hierarchy, the occasion etc

  • For example, if you are going to a party along with your collegues, your choice of a jewel may differ as compared to your regular office jewelry.

  • Similarly during the important client visit, your choice will also change along with your attire.

Jewellery, gold rings

The Important thing we need to understand is the kind and variety you need to have in your wardrobe and does it reflect your taste?

Office jewellery, need not be essentially be gold. There are variety of metals like silver, platinum, copper, precious and non precious stones, artificial stones, plastic and so on..

Any of these, can add to your personallity, provided it is going along with your attire for the day and a notable jewelry.

Sometimes, wearing no jewellery, with a nice professional dress and a simple watch also make you stunning!!

first woman to, beautiful women
gold watches, swiss watches

How do you know that, You are wearing/choosen the Right?

This is very simple.

  • Your day is looking beautiful. You smell the freshness in the air!

  • Your collegues will tell you that, this is amazing, where did you buy this?

  • You regularly look at that at your wardrobe, and do not allow others to touch it. That is so precious to you.

Watch out this space again. Very important life lessons:

  • Give priority to your personal safety, to nice looking costly jewellery.

  • You choose for yourself. Don't led by the advice of others and buy an unwanted one!

  • During foreign travel, do not buy anything fake. You may be cheated, if you are gullible.

  • Buying the right ones is not a one time affair. It is an experience cultivated over a long period of time

  • Do not wear very costly jewels, if you are travelling by Public Transport, Late night parties, Late night travel etc.,

  • Choose the right jewellery Over a period, Locations - A Personal Tour, An Official visit, A travel for a marriage, Window shopping