Education with Highest Employment Opportunities

What speciaiized courses to pursue?

Instead of regular college degress, the following courses offers great potential in STEM discipline - Science, Technology, Engineering and Medical courses.

Since these are specialist courses, the competition is lesser and opportunities in india and abroad are better. Students can look at the potential and Parents need to guide them appropriately for their success in the future.

Students and parents need to decide interest and their capabilities before deciding the right course for them. For example, if a person is performing moderately in maths or science, the STEM discipline may not be apt for him/her unless are ready to put-in the special efforts to complete the programme.

The employment market is seeing lot of engieers and science graduate without necessary life skills. Lack of necessary skills and poor performance on the interviews keep them unemployed or end up landing in poor paying jobs.

discovery education

Aeronautical Engineering:

India's air travel will double in every 5 years at the current growth rate phase. In addition to that, being a low cost location, india can also serve as a maintenance and servicing location for large air travel companies. Therefore, potential opportunities for maintenance engineers are phenomenal in the future.

Websites -

There are several other institutions across india offering these courses.

Petroleum studies:

The course offers multiple opportunities across india, west asia, USA, Russia and other petroleum refining, processing countries.

Colleges offering the courses:

Indian School of Mines University (Dhanbad)

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (Dehradun)

M.S. Ramaiah Engineering College (Bangalore)

L.D. College of Engineering (Ahmedabad)

 special education
what is continuing education

Atomic energy studies:

There are not many takers of Atomic energy courses across india and there is a huge potential across developing and developed countries for employment. The growth potential is also high, as compared to other professions.

Institutions offering the Higher education courses:

Pure sciences:

Pure sciences offers several opportunities for people who pursued the courses at reputed institutions. Countries like USA, Europe offers multiple opportunities in Research areas.

Institutions offering the courses:

Multiple IITs across India.

Other reputed Universities.

vocational education
robotics, machine learning, AI, NLP

Robotics, Machine Learning:

There are specialized courses offered by Indian Institute of Technology across India and also by European and American Universities. The courses are called Master of Science, Master of technology. Industrial, Office Automation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Nano Technology Mobile Technologies including Android etc, are very great in demand as compared to other traditional courses.

The Educational pursuit would be ideal if somebody has a very strong base in basic engineering or basic sciences and addtional master degree in the respective areas.

Renewable energy:

This area is still an unexplored, but has a tremendous potential for youngsters.

The areas are:

  • Fuel cell technology

  • Hydrogen energy

  • Windmills related technology

  • Thermal engineering

  • Waste and energy management.

These are specialized courses, and are available only at institutions like IITs and other high end universities.

continuing medical education, COVID-19


Study of contagious dieseases - like Covid and treatment potential have higher number of specialized opportunities in India and abroad.

There are also research positions available across foreign countries. With the end of Covid, many countries would enhance their investment in this area. The doctors and researchers will command a greater demand and salary in Europe and USA.

Students can use this great opportunity to study in this discipline. The opportunities can be in the area of pure medical science as a doctor or research related studies like biology, bio medical engineering or laboratory research sciences


Master degree and doctoral level courses are high on demand in Research institutions, Scientific Laboratories, Universities, and large corporations etc.,

ISI has five different institutes across india and students can pursue master level programmes with further research or faculty positions in USA or Europe.

Students can pursue masters in statistics or doctoral programmes and go to US universities to get the required credibility for higher level opportunities.

continuing professional education
Nursing, nurses, GNM, ANM, EDUCATION


Nursing has a very great potential across the world with commanding salaries in USA and Europe and with great respect for the profession.

Instead of doing a regular BSC degree, the students needs to pursue ANM or GNM courses.

ANM course is for 2 years and GNM course are for 3.5 years.

GNM - General Nursing and Midwifery

ANM - Auxiliary nurse Midwife