How Sequential Process Integration supports gaining Process efficiencies?

Business case:

Sequential processes otherwise known as Continuous processes can be defined as processes which are next to each other. They have mutual dependence to each other and are not mutually exclusive.

Fragmented processes many a times, gives more process irritants and makes the customer unhappy with the delivery of a Product or Service. This makes the Customer experience poor and they drift away to new products or service offerings.

To avoid such events, an organization need to efficiently and seamlessly integrate two or more processes to gain synergy and to make continuous improvements.

Qualifying criterias:

Processes which are either complex or otherwise will qualify for integration. There are several signs which are preceeding such events. A series of Customer complaints, Frequent failures in processes, two teams are not cooperating with each other, one leg of the process is complete, but the other step failed, are all clear indications of a Product or service not getting delivered satisfactorily to the customers.

This requires urgent attention from the managers and the organization, to avoid fatal errors and loss of customers at the later stage.

outsourcing, technology, IT
Lean,  six sigma

Project steps:

  • Understand the process and do a business process review and process mapping

  • Define a project plan, critical milestones and communicate the plan to key stakeholders

  • Understand Critical process steps, key stakeholders, various hand offs in the two or more processes supposed to be merged

  • Analyze the process failures in the last 1 year and find out what the empirical data tells us?

  • Do a soft launch of the proposed integration of the teams informally and test for preparedness

  • Complete the launch phase of team integration, monitor sustenance for next 6 months to a year.

Examples of such Projects:

  • Merging of Collection processing team and Customer contact center team dealing with collections

  • Integration of Invoice processing team and the Vendor desk as part of the complete integration plan

  • Merge Post sales support Team and Customer complaints team for better service delivery to customers

  • Merge Technology team and contact center team for seamless customer connect and for resolving IT/Tech complaints.

Case Capsule:

In a shared services environment as well in other service based organizations, there are many processes which are next to each others. They can be defined as process neighbours. In the current environment, there could be separate departments or units for each of the process.

However, having two or multiple departments or units may not serve the intended purpose and only increases the fixed costs. The case study provides a standard template for consoldating them for a better process and to generate efficiencies.

What is the logic behind this?

Many a times, teams formation had been done several years before and the status quo is being maintained. This was not challenged by anybody and processes and systems goes on for a long time in Traditional organizations.

But over a period of time, we may find that, there are many overlapping functions or activities which adds duplicity to the processes. From the customer point of view, it does not add any value and they are not ready to pay for such a service.

In such a case, either disbanding the function or merging them with similar function is best suited from the organisational standpoint.

large corporations, process improvements, Lean


  • Better candidate for Automation and new Technology solutions in the medium term to long run

  • Reduction in Span and Layers and efficiencies due to Team size reduction due to overlapping activities

  • Qualitative improvements in Service delivery by clearly defining roles and responsibilities for team members

  • Tangible and intangible improvements in cost, customer service, and tranformational move towards the process goals.