Emerging Technologies - IOT - Internet of Things


IOT - Internet of things requires computing and Internet as a essential enabler. IOT uses communication networks through internet that collect data, exchange of data over the internet (Typical internet function) and execute functions over the internet.

For example, auto starting the light at home through mobile internet controls, from the office in an IOT enabled function. Similarly, switching on or switching off, of home appliances in a smart home is done through Internet of Things.

Internet of things in future, will be affecting our life extensively from our purchase of domestic groceries, equipments, Travel, healthcare and to our festival shopping. Internet of Things also generates large amount of data, which can be used by industry and monetize them through different means. Also read the following related articles:


IOT can be executed thru sophisticated systems


IOT can happen through Mobile phones, Tablets

What are the Applications of Internet of things?

  • Smart appliances - Maintenance of temperature of a fridge from a mobile phone

  • Wearables - Health monitoring over watch and exchange of data to a tablet or Personal computer

  • Connected Car - Performing actions in a car from a remote location like switching on/off airconditioner

  • Smart homes - Controllling the home and equipments from office over mobile wifi - Switiching on security cameras

  • Equipments - Remote operated equipments like tractors, travelling milk vans, Fuel monitoring on travelling vehicles etc

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IOT & Communication - Smart Cities

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IOT's wide variety of applications across our walk of life

IOT Market Value:

The market value of the Industry is currently pegged at $~700 Billion. The IOT industry generates billions of data points for analysis and for executing smart actions.

The leading analyts & journals such as Mckinsey, Forbes and Gartner exemplify the performance of the industry from time to time and the potential in the future.

The maximum use of the IOT capabilities are utilized by Healthcare, Communications, Transporations, Consumer electronics and Automobiles in the current eco system which can grow further in the future.

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Universality of applications of IOT

Case Capsules in IOT deployment:

  • Milk Producer & Seller: One of the biggest milk in india transport millions of litres of milk from their sourcing point to metros and other cities. There were several incidents of milk getting spoiled because of non-maintenance of right temperatures while transporting the milk. They implemented internet of things for their transport fleet by which, the temperatures of milk are monitored remotely through mobile phones and set correctly from their headquarters.

  • Car manufacturer: A car manufacturer installed IOT in their cars by which the car's engine health is gathered through sensors and communicated to the manufacturer's platform. The manufacturer can offer this data to it's customer for offering engine maintenance at the right time.